Monday 12 July 2010

Sussex Duo Win National World Cup Competition

When 20 year old Kayleigh Simmonds and friend Pierre Towers, a computer engineer of Bognor Regis, entered an online World Cup Competition in June, little did they realise how well they would do! Aimed at AVG Resellers, the completion required entrants to predict the winners of each of the stages of the World Cup.

At the end of the group stage, Kayleigh and Pierre were listed in the top 11 predicters in the competition having predicted over 70% of results correctly; at the end of the Quarter final stage, they had predicted all the results correctly and were in joint first place. The semi finals did not go entirely their way, however; they chose Germany to win over Spain. But, fortunately for them, this did not alter the results and Team Towers were still in joint 1st place going into Sunday’s final.  Pierre and Kayleigh had chosen Spain to win the final and were on the edge of their seats until Spain finally scored in the second part of extra time. The woops of joy could be heard all round the close in Felpham where Pierre lives.

AVG released the results on Monday morning and Team Towers found that they were the winners of the competition, despite the team in joint 1st place with having picked Spain as well. It all hinged on a “tie breaker” that AVG asked all entrants at the start of the competition. The tie breaker was “who will win the World Cup?” Team Towers had chosen Spain. This won them the competition. Team Towers are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of their prize of a bottle of champagne and the World Cup team shirt of their choice.




Notes for editors


Team Towers consists of friends Pierre Towers, proprietor of Bognor PC Doctor, and Kayleigh Simmonds, a Crew member at  McDonalds restaurant Chichester Gate.




Green Tick Media/Pierre Towers


01243 855755  


Green Tick Media Mobile: 07525 379691







Thursday 8 July 2010

Sussex Friends Number 1 in Online World Cup Prediction Competition

When soon to be 20 year old Kayleigh Simmonds and friend Pierre Towers of Bognor Regis entered an online World Cup Competition in June, little did they realise how well they would do! Aimed at AVG Resellers, the completion required entrants to predict the winners of the group, quarter final, semi final and final stages of the World Cup.

At the end of the group stage, Kayleigh and Pierre were listed in the top 11 predicters in the competition having predicted over 70% of results correctly; at the end of the Quarter final stage, they had predicted all 8 results correctly and were in joint first place. The semi finals did not go entirely their way, however, they chose Germany to win over Spain. But, this did not alter the results and Team Towers are still in joint 1st place with only the final on Sunday to go. At the beginning of the competition entrants were asked to answer a tie break question in the event of there being two winners. They were asked to choose who the top scorer of the entire World Cup would be. Kayleigh chose David Villa of Spain – who is currently listed as the official top scorer of the Cup so far.  Kayleigh will be spending her 20th birthday on Friday nervously awaiting the game on Sunday.


Monday 5 July 2010

From Redundancy to Business Success

When father of three Steve Kerrigan was made redundant from his job ten years ago, during the last recession, he tried not to panic. Instead, he did an audit of the things he was accomplished in. Today, Steve runs a successful plumbing and electrical service, as well as providing good quality student accommodation in the Bognor area.

Steve’s wife had just given birth to their youngest child when he heard that he no longer had a job. It was not a good time to be out of work. He had a family to feed. Where was the money going to come from?  Steve could have let despair take over – instead he took positive action. He made a list of those things that he was skilled at and had been doing for many years, in and around his home. He attended training courses to update and hone his skills to industry standards – essential in today’s safety conscious world. Steve believes that investing in training is the first step to future success in any field and especially so when faced with a situation like redundancy. Training completed, SJK Electrical and Plumbing was born.

The business is built on the belief that “no job is too small”. In fact, Steve believes that dealing with a “small” drip or electrical fault while it is still “small” can save a lot of time, money and heartache in the long run. “Sometimes”, Steve says “people think that the job is too small and therefore not worth doing at the time, so they do not call a tradesman to do it. I have seen a small drip turn into a major leak leading to the householder having to have costly repairs and redecoration done. If only they had called me when the leak first appeared! The same goes for electrical faults. The smallest fault can easily lead to a major disaster.”

Steve has been particularly concerned that those who are elderly or housebound, who have minor household repair tasks that they can no longer do themselves, seem reluctant to “bother” tradesmen with seemingly small tasks. “Things gradually build up, “Steve says, “until the property is in a serious state of disrepair and dangerous to live in. ”

Steve looks back on those dark days, when he had no job, and realises that being made redundant was the catalyst that launched him into a future that he could not have even imagined whilst in the employ of another. “Being made redundant need not be the end” Steve says. “It is a challenge yes, but it definitely concentrates the mind on what matters and can lead to taking paths previously not thought of. I can only encourage those in the position that I was in, all those years ago, to not let it get them down and to take a stock of their skills as I did. You never know where it might lead to!”




Wednesday 9 June 2010

Bognor pensioner netted by telephone computer scam

A pensioner from Aldwick, Bognor Regis paid out £250 to a company that telephoned him and tricked him into thinking his computer was full of viruses.

This scam, published by Which (Source: on the 14th December 2009, where it was reported, “Which? Computing has heard from consumers across the country who have been called by scammers pretending to be from the computer software giant Microsoft or an internet service provider. They say there's a virus on the consumer’s PC and take them through steps to fix the ‘problem’ which ends with the consumer allowing criminals remote access to their PCs. To add insult to injury, consumers are also asked to provide their credit card details in order to pay a fee for the repair.

Mr.A, who has requested to remain anonymous, stated, “I have been fooled before by timeshare scams and should have seen this one coming. I contacted Pierre Towers of Bognor PC Doctor, who has now fully cleaned my computer and advised me to contact my bank to secure my card details, for which I am very grateful.”

Pierre Towers from Bognor PC Doctor ( advises computer users to “ treat any phone call of this nature as highly suspicious and never give an unknown person access to your PC. We also recommend users have their computer checked and cleaned as soon as possible, should any slowness or abnormal behaviour be observed, to avoid cases of potential fraud or identity theft.”

Notes to editors

Bognor PC Doctor, Small Computer company recommended by Checkatrade ( and approved by West Suusex Trading Standards Buy with Confidence ( ) is based at 101 Felpham Way, Bognor Regis, W.Sussex, PO22 8QB

Managing Director: Pierre Towers

Telephone: 01243 855755

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Facebook, the New Virus Threat

With people in Britain spending 65% more time online than they did three years ago (source: UKOM, quoted in BBC News 19 May 2010), much of that using social networking websites such as Facebook, it is absolutely imperative that users have up to date, effective anti-virus software installed. The need for this has been highlighted in recent days at Felpham based business Bognor PC Doctor as owner Pierre Towers has seen a significant increase in the amount of computers being brought in with serious and potentially damaging virus infection.

"The usual source of virus infection is opening attachments on unsolicited email or visiting suspect adult websites," said Pierre, "But a check on the surfing history of computers that have been brought in to me with such infection has shown that the vast majority of my customers have been diligent in avoiding such actions. They have, however, been active users of social networking. One such customer, a lady who never opens attachments without knowing where they come from, came in with a laptop that was not functioning properly. She was shocked to find that there were over 114 different viruses on her machine. Although she had basic anti virus installed, it was not enough to combat these new forms of infection. "

This has led Pierre to believe that hackers are now using social networking websites to spread damaging viruses, through the sharing of "links" and applications. Not all creators of applications have good intentions in mind, Pierre believes.

Although practically all of his customers have anti virus software installed, much of it is not up to date, or sufficiently effective enough to deal with this new form of spreading viruses.

Pierre recommends that all computer users ensure that their anti virus software is regularly up dated and that virus scans are run at least once a month.

"This way", he says "people can stay online longer and not have to be without their computers while they are in having a complete reinstall in order to completely remove malicious viruses."
Notes for Editors
Bognor PC Doctor has been in business since 2002, after the owner Mr Pierre Towers was made redundant from a major international company where he worked as a software tester. Initially starting up in his Haywards Close home, he now operates from a shop in Felpham Way, providing computer repairs, website building and hosting, training and much more.
Pierre Towers
Bognor PC Doctor
01243 855755

Green Tick Media
Big Ideas for Small Businesses
01243 216135

Monday 30 November 2009

Emma shoots for Black

Emma Harvey ( ) , a keen young photographer from Ford, West Sussex is enjoying increased demand for her unique photographic skill following a recent photo shoot with up and coming Portsmouth musician Joe Black

Black, who claims his voice was obtained by living on a diet of “dust and tangerines” calls himself a “Pianist, accordionist and abuser of vocal chords”, and has shared the stage with a string of celebrities including Amy Whinehouse, Des O’Connor and Gary Numan. His album “The Bible of the Waltzing Cynic” released by Gilded Age Records, is likened to “Walt Disney, for the estranged”.

Emma, aged 16, is a student at St Philip Howard Catholic High School in Barnham .She started taking photographs of friends and relatives about a year ago. As word of her talent spread, she began receiving commissions for wedding, band and party shoots. It soon became apparent that her photography was becoming more than just a hobby. As a result, she set up her website, to showcase her abilities.

Emma’s session with Black, shot in Portsmouth, gave her the chance to demonstrate her creative skills, capturing the darkness of Black’s character whilst at the same time portraying a sense of fun. Mr Black was so impressed he now uses the results on his website and in promotional material.

To date, Emma has not had any formal training, allowing her natural talent to shine through. She does, however, plan to refine her skills by studying photography at college, while continuing to build her portfolio and making the most of any opportunities that may arise

Notes for Editors

Jpeg images are available

Emma can be contacted after school hours on:

Tel: 01903 731924
Mobile: 07967 336782



Alternatively, contact:

Pierre Towers

Tel: 01243 855755

Mobile : 07841 584522
